Sunday, 19 August 2007

Hair dye colors - What should I consider?

Today, about half of all American women use hair dye colors and men are increasingly dyeing their hair.

Due to high salon prices, more and more people are dyeing their own hair. The best weapon against mistakes for the home hair colorist, is planning.

First off, ensure you don't need to go to a professional stylist, some people do and should.

While Hair dye colors are becoming ever easier to use at home, you would be best to get advice if:

Your hair is severely damaged - It breaks easily

You want to lighten your hair more than three shades

You want to darken your hair by more than three shades

You are trying to fix your earlier mistake


How radical do you want to be.

The effect of hair dye colors can be graded in levels of the effect of the dye, regardless of color.

In order:

Highlighting, Highlights are usually permanent, and they are a great way to add texture and subtle color to your hair-whether they're red or blond or even blue-without dramatic changes. Can take a while to apply the hair dye colors

Semi permanent, semi-permanent products coat the hair with color that washes out after about 6 to 12 shampoos. You can only go darker effectively with semi permanent hair dye colors

Demi-Permanent, Demi-permanent hair dye colors last longer approximately 24 to 26 shampoos, but again can't be used for lightening hair.

Permanent, Permanent hair dye colors use both ammonia and peroxide, which enter the hair's cortex and create a change that cannot be washed out. Keep in mind that the end result is always a combination of the added pigment and the original pigment of your hair


Hair dye colors

Shades are basically broken down into two categories: warm and cool. People with warm eye, hair, and skin tones should choose a warm hair color, and people with cool tones should choose a cool hair color. Any beautician at a makeup counter in a department store would be happy to help you figure out if you're a "cool" or a "warm"

"Cool" people should stay away from hair dye colors with reddish or golden hues and seek out the cooler colors, ranging from platinum to blue-black. "Warm" people should choose hair dye colors with golden and red highlights, from strawberry blonde to dark auburn. Remember, unless you're prepared for disastrous results, stay within a few shades of your natural color.



There are simply too many brands on the market to go over the pros and cons of each, but professional stylists suggest that you use a popular brand name.

  1. Popular brands are usually popular for a reason. If L'oreal's hair products were known to turn hair green, you'd hear about it. But if you use the obscure "Bombshell in a Bottle," you might turn into more of a bomb than a bombshell.

  2. Popular brands usually have a help line that's listed right on the box. Although you're most likely not going to get hair experts when you call, you'll get answers to common problems you may encounter during the actual dyeing of your hair.
You are now ready to go to step Five, applying hair dye colors

There are two very important tests that you must perform with each and every hair coloring product you use: the allergy test and the strand test.

The allergy test will make sure that you don't get a rash all over your scalp after you apply your hair dye colors. dye your hair. Perform the allergy test at least two days before you dye your hair. If nothing terrible happens, you're good to go.

The strand test is exactly what it sounds like, and you can do it either while performing the allergy test or you can do it the day you dye your hair. With the teaspoon of dye (and a gloved hand), choose a hair strand, and completely saturate it with the dye. Leave it in for the amount of time you'll leave the dye on the rest of your head later, and then wash hair. Check out the strand.

Before you get started with your whole head, make sure you get everything together that you need before you apply your hair dye colors. You'll need:

  1. Rubber gloves.
  2. A comb.
  3. Old clothes.
  4. An old towel
  5. A large plastic bag and hair clip.
  6. A timer.

READ THE DIRECTIONS ON THE BOX AT LEAST TWICE BEFORE YOU BEGIN. Different products have very different instructions. For example, some require your hair to be dry, and others wet.

You will probably need to mix some bottles together (or shake up one bottle) follow the instructions exactly as they are written.

work the dye from the roots out, making sure your hair is eventually completely and evenly saturated.
You might want to use a comb to help you spread the hair color dyes through your hair and to smooth out the clumps
Put the plastic bag over your hair. Twist the bag tightly, and secure it with a hair clip. The heat will help the chemicals react better.
Set your timer for the amount of time stated in the instructions
When the timer rings, and follow the directions in the box.

Never try to dye your eyebrows or eyelashes. The FDA prohibits salons from doing it, as it can cause inflammations around the eyes, and even blindness, so certainly don't try it on your own.

For more informationClick Here!

I took inspiration for this article from, so you wanna

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