Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Hair dye colors - Is organic any good?

Are organic hair dye colors effective? I have been considering this over the past few days and have done some more research on the subject.

Hair dye colors can contain a range of ingredients which may cause allergies in individuals and the debate at to their carcinogenic effect, rages back and forth.

The fact is, that hair dyes, in the main, do contain synthetic chemicals. That said, dyeing hair is an age old custom which shows no signs of lapsing in popularity, be it for vibrancy, change of mood, or a myriad of other reasons, the fact is, many of us put hair dye colors in our hair.

For those who are nervous of the synthetic products, all is not lost and I would expect the market for organic hair dyes will continue to grow, so the choices will extend.

A few brands to consider for now include:

Aubrey Organics

The information advises...
To make contact if hair is more than 20% gray and to select a color which is close to the natural color of your hair.

Creme Colorante

Who advise...
enhances and highlights the natural colour of your hair whilst softening and giving extra volume and shine. Suitable for permed and coloured hair, it also blends away initial greying. It will not lighten or permanently change your natural shade.

Light Mountain

Who advise...

A typical treatment will last anywhere from 6 to 12 week

Herbatint vegetal

A range of true semi-permanent hair colours. These colours enhance the shine and clarity of your natural hair colour whilst greatly improving the condition of the hair. VEGETAL™ hair colour will not do more than mask any but the earliest few white hairs

To put it all in perspective.

"CERTAIN INGREDIENTS need to be in hair color in order for it to work," says Peter Matravers, vice president of research and development at Aveda. "

That's why there's no 100 percent natural way to dye your hair permanently," explains John Masters of the John Masters Organic hair salon in New York City. If you're dying at home, he advises looking for a formula with minimum PPD and ammonia and maximum conditioning.

For more information on hair dye colors Click Here!

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