Monday, 2 June 2008

Hair dye colors - Caring for the hair

When applying hair dye colors, many contain chemicals and applying extreme colors, which require stripping hair using bleach is something that is best done in conjunction with a product that help rejuvenate this hair.

One such product is

Ojon restorative hair treatment

Ojon™ Restorative Hair Treatment is a unique, highly-concentrated and versatile hair rejuvenator containing 100% pure Ojon™ palm nut oil ~ the same oil used by the Miskito Indians of Central America for over 600 years. Ojon™ instantly hydrates and improves the condition of damaged, color-treated or processed hair without weighing it down. Fortifying, rebuilding and nourishing, it leaves hair extraordinarily shiny, silky and manageable. Ojon™ is color safe.

Ideal for dry, dull, damaged, natural or chemically-treated hair.

Ojon™ Restorative Hair Treatment is primarily used as a deep conditioning hair treatment, but it can also be used as a leave-in conditioner and as a shine enhancer.

Available here with world wide shipping. Priced in UK£ on the site, to work out the approximate cost in US$ double the number.

Thanks for reading the hair dye colors blog

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Avoid using styling products with alcohol if you want to preserve your hair color. Alcohol can promote fading hair color.If you’ll be spending the day in the sun, wear a big straw hat to protect your hair.